Frankfurt on the Main Romans hill

Frankfurt on the Main Romans hill


Historic town hall square in Frankfurt's city centre

Dominated by Frankfurt’s imposing town hall, the Römer, the Römerberg has been the lively centre of the old town since the High Middle Ages. Numerous events have always been held here, such as a total of 10 imperial coronations between 1562 and 1792, including large public festivals for the population. Nowadays, various Frankfurt trade fairs are held regularly, as well as the popular annual Frankfurt Christmas Market on Römerberg. The eastern side with its lovingly restored half-timbered houses is also called Saturday Hill and has been a popular destination and photo motif for tourists for decades. Römerberg is very centrally located in Frankfurt’s old town between the so-called Dominsel (Cathedral Island) in the east and the Karmeliterhügel (Carmelite Hill) in the west.


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