Mannheim telecommunications tower

Mannheim telecommunications tower


Viewing platform and ski restaurant at 200 meters above sea level

Built between 1973 and 1975 by the architects Heinle, Wischer und Partner, the Mannheim telecommunications tower is one of the tallest telecommunications towers in Germany with a height of 217.8 meters. It is centrally located between the banks of the Neckar River and Luisenpark and is considered a modern landmark of the square city. If you don’t suffer from vertigo, you can enjoy the unique view of the Rhine plain and the Odenwald forest from the viewing platform. Another highlight is the Skyline revolving restaurant. Here you can dine wonderfully while the restaurant rotates once around its own axis in one hour. By the way, such a restaurant can only be found on the telecommunications towers of Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf.


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