Nuremberg Albrecht Dürer Square

Nuremberg Albrecht Dürer Square


A place for the city's most famous son

From the 13th to the 19th century, today’s Albrecht Dürer Square was the centre of the Milchmarktviertel, or more precisely the “Lower Milk Market”. Mainly agricultural products, especially milk, were sold here. The “Upper Milk Market” was then located in the area of today’s Bergstraße. From the 15th century onwards, the square was also called the “Old Milk Market”. In 1828, on the 300th anniversary of the death of the famous painter, art historian and mathematician, the Albrecht Dürer Monument was built. On this occasion, the square was officially renamed Albrecht-Dürer-Platz. If you walk past the monument to Nuremberg’s most famous person on the left, you come directly to the square “Am Tiergärtnertor”, where the Albrecht Dürer House is located.


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