Stuttgart Kapelle Württemberg

Stuttgart Kapelle Württemberg


Temple-like tomb on the Wuerttemberg

The Wuerttemberg Chapel in Stuttgart is a true gem. On the site of the former ancestral castle of the Wuerttemberg, King Wilhelm I had a temple-like burial chapel built after the death of his wife, Queen Katharina von Wuerttemberg. Thus, this mountain, which is significant for the history of the state, remains in memory. The classicist building by court architect Giovanni Battista Salucci on the 411-meter-high Wuerttemberg is idyllically embedded in picturesque vineyards and can be seen from afar. From Rosenstein Castle as well as from Wilhelma you have a good view of the beautiful burial chapel. The popular excursion destination also offers a unique view of the state capital and the Neckar Valley.


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