Frankenberg Town Hall

Frankenberg Town Hall


One of the most beautiful half-timbered town halls in Germany

In the heart of Frankenberg’s old town, between the Liebfrauenkirche and the Steinhaus, you will find the historic town hall, which with its 10 towers is a visual highlight of the town centre. The first town hall was replaced by a three-storey half-timbered building in 1421, which burned down again in 1476. The third building was then modelled on the second house of the present late Gothic structure. Today, Frankenberg’s town hall is not only a popular location for receptions and events, but also the venue for the weekly Saturday markets in the town hall hall hall. In the wedding room on the upper floor of the town hall, you will find valuable furniture as well as a stag antler chandelier with the coat of arms of the Hessian landgraves from 1562.


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