Fritzlar Cathedral

Fritzlar Cathedral


Architecturally significant landmark

The former Romanesque monastery and collegiate church in Fritzlar, the Cathedral of St. Peter, is today the official Catholic parish church in the Schwalm-Eder district of North Hesse. In the course of founding a church and monastery in the years 723 – 724, Saint Boniface erected the predecessor of today’s cathedral with a small chapel – the starting point of Fritzlar’s urban development. The Romanesque building substance can be traced back to the reconstructions at the end of the 11th century. Numerous further alterations were carried out up to the 19th century, making St. Peter’s Cathedral one of the most important architectural monuments in northern Hesse from a historical and architectural point of view. In the year Fritzlaer Dom was awarded the title “Basilica minor”.


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