Hohengrundelfingen Castle Ruin

Hohengrundelfingen Castle Ruin


Unique distant view from the Hohengrundelfingen castle ruins

The ruins of Hohengrundelfingen Castle are located above the Lauter Valley near the village of Gundelfingen in the Reutlingen district of Baden-Württemberg and were first mentioned in a document in 1236. The remains of the medieval hilltop castle was the ancestral seat of the free noble family of Gundelfingen and was probably built by Swigger IV of Gundelfingen (around 1160-1228). In 1293, the castle was sold to the Adesl dynasty of the Habsburgs and subsequently had numerous different owners. Situated 725 metres above sea level, the castle offers a great view. Especially from the 12-metre-high keep, you can look over the entire river valley and the distant southern and western Alb plateau.


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