Kempten market place

Kempten market place


Square of the many fountains

The market square in Kempten’s old town is called Hildegardplatz and is located right next to the imposing 17th century St. Lawrence Basilica, which was the first church built in southern Germany after the Thirty Years’ War. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, the popular weekly market takes place on the market square. Adjacent are the sights Zumsteinhaus, Landhaus, Kornhaus as well as the Serrohäuser. Hildegardplatz became famous for the many different fountains that stood here, including the Hildegard Fountain in the 19th century in honor of Hildegard, the founder of the church. The newest fountain dates from 2013 and is decorated with two figures and six animals from which water flows at the push of a button.


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