The Großer Prebelowsee is located near Rheinsberg Kleinzerlang in northern Brandenburg. It covers a total of 28 hectares and is up to 7.6 metres deep. It is very popular with visitors because of the large bathing area on the northern shore. On the eastern shore there is a camping site, the so-called Prebelowablage, and the Prebelow Canal and the Tietzowsee lake adjoin it to the south. There are numerous other lakes in the vicinity of the Großer Prebelowsee, such as the Tietzowsee, the Krummesee and the Haussee. In addition, the Müritz with its extensive leisure facilities is also only about 30 kilometres away. The lake can be reached from Rheinsberg Zechlinerhütte, Rheinsberg and Diemitz.