Nuremberg Cathedral Church of Our Lady

Nuremberg Cathedral Church of Our Lady


"Männleinlaufen" at 12 noon

Anyone travelling to Nuremberg should plan a visit to the Hauptmarkt at 12 noon. This is the site of the Catholic Nuremberg City Church of Our Lady, also known as the Frauenkirche. One attraction of the church, built in the middle of the 14th century, is the art clock dating from 1509, which shows the so-called “Männleinlaufen” every day. After the ringing of the church bells and the prelude of the trombone players, drummers and pipers, sculptures of the electors can be seen in the clock as they pass Emperor Charles IV. The Frauenkirche was built on the site of the demolished synagogue of the former Jewish quarter and is today one of Nuremberg’s most important churches.


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