Rothenburg Gallows Tower

Rothenburg Gallows Tower


Highest point of the city fortifications

The Galgentor, also known as the Würzburger Tor, was built in 1388 and is one of the five passable gates in the town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. The name Galgentor goes back to the time when the town’s place of execution with the gallows was located in front of the gate on what was then Köpfleinswieslein. In addition, the Galgenturm was the highest point of the town fortifications – the defensive wall in the east of Rothenburg. Apart from the Gallows Gate, only the inner gate tower and the outer bailey have survived, which once served to secure the drawbridge and the Zwinger. After heavy destruction during the Second World War, the wall was rebuilt and can be walked on today.


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