Schwäbisch Gmünd Holy Cross Minster

Schwäbisch Gmünd Holy Cross Minster


Oldest hall church in southern Germany

The exact construction period of the Holy Cross Minster in Schwäbisch Gmünd is not entirely clear – it lies roughly between the years 1315 and 1521. Nevertheless, the sacred building is considered the oldest southern German hall church from the Gothic period. The cathedral is of great importance in terms of art history, as it is considered to be the main work of the well-known Parler family of master builders. Particularly worth seeing in the hall church are the Sebaldus altar and the holy grave in the baptistery as well as the architectural sculpture. Due to its size, the Gothic city church was officially elevated to the status of a minster in 1926 by Bishop Paul Wilhelm von Keppler. Since 2020, the Münsterbauhütte has been included in the UNESCO register of good practices.


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