St. Peter-Ording village

St. Peter-Ording village


St. Coloman Chapel near Schwangau

St. Peter Ording in North Frisia is a surfer’s paradise with its twelve-kilometre-wide beach and a very popular destination for holidaymakers and spa guests. The town has its own sulphur spring and is therefore officially called a “North Sea spa and sulphur bath”. One of the landmarks of St. Peter Ording are the historic pile dwellings, which house cosy and original restaurants with beautiful North Sea views and are the headquarters of the DLRG lifeguards and supply unit for beach and bathers. On the Eiderstedt peninsula there are a total of thirteen of these unique structures on a two-kilometre-wide and twelve-kilometre-long stretch of beach. Another highlight is the UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea off St. Peter Ording.


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