Darmstadt Mathilden High

Darmstadt Mathilden High


UNESCO World Heritage Site and Total Work of Art

Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but is also considered a total work of art due to its uniqueness. In detail, it consists of the famous wedding tower, an exhibition building, a museum, an artists’ colony, a plane tree grove and artists’ houses. As early as the 19th century, Mathildenhöhe was laid out as a garden of the grand ducal court and named after Mathilde Karoline Friederike von Wittelsbach, the wife of Grand Duke Ludwig III. Founded in 1899, the artists’ colony quickly made Darmstadt the center of the European art scene. Following four highly acclaimed exhibitions at the beginning of the 20th century, four buildings were erected here, embedded in the picturesque park with sculptures, fountains and garden pavilions.


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