Freiburg Historic Department Store

Freiburg Historic Department Store


Culture in historic walls

As early as the 14th century, the first buildings were needed for municipal market administration, to control goods and settle customs. Then, at the beginning of the 16th century, the Historic Department Store was built in Freiburg. Especially the magnificent facade with its artistic oriel towers and arcades is a real eye-catcher. In the courtyard, which covers more than 300 square meters, all kinds of goods used to be stored. Today, open-air events are held here on a regular basis. The most famous is certainly the “Freiburger Weinkost”. A spiral staircase leads from the inner courtyard to the 15th century fireplace hall. Equally worth seeing are the Kaisersaal with its pompous oak columns and the Rokokosaal with its impressive ceiling ornaments.


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