Lübeck St. Jacobi Church

Lübeck St. Jacobi Church


Fishermen's church from the 14th century

As in many places in the Hanseatic city, shipping is also very present in Lübeck’s St. Jakobi Church. As one of the five main churches, it was once dedicated to seafarers and fishermen. As a kind of memorial to the dangers of the sea, a lifeboat from the sailing ship “Pamir”, which sank in 1957, lies in the northern tower chapel. The church was built in the 13th and 14th centuries. In the course of construction the plans were often changed. By opening the outer walls, it was then possible to add the sacristy to the south of the choir in the 14th century. Miraculously, the St. Jacobi Church survived the bombing in 1942 unscathed.


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