Lübeck Buddenbrookhaus

Lübeck Buddenbrookhaus


Literature Museum & Novel Template

It is certainly the most famous house in the Hanseatic city: the Buddenbrookhaus. The stately building was the home of Heinrich and Thomas Mann’s grandparents from 1841 to 1890. The building also became known as the model for the novel location of the successful Mann novel “The Buddenbrooks”. Today, the building houses a literature museum as well as a research center on Heinrich and Thomas Mann, their family and the Buddenbrooks. Currently, the Buddenbrooks is closed, because the museum is being restored until 2028 as well as extended by an annex. In the meantime, the exhibition “Buddenrooks in the Behnhaus” is located in the Museum Behnhaus Drägerhaus, very close by.


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