Schwäbisch Gmünd City Garden

Schwäbisch Gmünd City Garden


Historical garden from the 18th century

Where there had previously been a total of 16 fields, Mayor Georg Franz Stahl had the town garden of Schwäbisch Gmünd laid out in 1779. This was followed just one year later by the Rokokoschlösschen, which was intended as a pleasure palace for his wife. The park was equipped with greenhouses, fountains, a pavilion and several terracotta sculptures. However, these are no longer preserved today. A sundial from 1770 and the so-called “Geigerbrunnen” in the shape of the famous violinist of Gmünd are also well worth seeing. The city garden of Schwäbisch Gmünd has besides the eastern historical part also a western newer part. In 2014, the city garden was part of the state horticultural show.


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