Schwäbisch Hall Hangman’s Bridge

Schwäbisch Hall Hangman’s Bridge


Historical bridge with hangman's house

One of the most beautiful places in the old town of Schwäbisch Hall is undoubtedly the Hangman’s Bridge. The bridge, which used to be made of wood and is now made of stone, offers a unique view of the half-timbered houses on the Kocher River as well as the brewhouse and Kunsthalle Würth. The former executioner’s house is located on the Hangman’s Bridge. The hangman who lived here used to be responsible for collecting customs duties. Today, the Hangman’s House houses an exhibition of talking automata. The Hangman’s Bridge in Schwäbisch Hall is the ideal starting point for a stroll through the old town. From the bridge, it stretches up the slope. Parking is available not far from the bridge near the bus station.


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