Schwäbisch Hall Katharinenvorstadt

Schwäbisch Hall Katharinenvorstadt


Quarter on the southern bank of the Kocher

This is where the town’s craftsmen in particular used to live and work: in Katharinenvorstadt in Schwäbisch Hall. As the third extension of the city of Hall, the Katharinenvorstadt was created in the 14th century. The houses were built cell-like on the southern bank of the Kocher and the quarter was then walled in the course of the century. Thus, there were two street gates here – the Weilertor in the north and the Riedener Tor in the south. The latter was demolished and moved in 1824. A gun turret, “the Powder Tower” was then built in the same place. The bulwark was also part of the town fortification. It consisted of the Great and the Small Bulwarks and was built in 1490.


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