Heidelberg Old Bridge

Heidelberg Old Bridge


Well-known landmark of the Neckar city

The Old Bridge in Heidelberg’s venerable city centre is one of the landmarks of the tourist magnet on the Neckar. The actual name of the bridge is Karl-Theodor-Brücke (Karl Theodor Bridge) and goes back to its builder, Elector Karl Theodor, who had it built in 1788 from sandstone from the Neckar valley. The medieval bridge gate was first used as a guardhouse and prison and was called the Schuldturm (debt tower). In 2019, the bridge gate was then extensively restored. The popular Old Bridge attraction connects the Old Town with the opposite bank of the Neckar River at the eastern end of the Neuenheim district and is open to pedestrians and cyclists. Cars are also allowed to drive here on weekdays between 16:00 and 11:00.


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