Meersburg Castle

Meersburg Castle


Landmark with a unique view of Bodense

The Middle Ages come alive here – in the most famous castle on Lake Constance, Meersburg Castle. As a regional landmark and namesake of the city, the castle complex is a very popular destination. Already since the end of the 19th century, the more than 30 furnished rooms can be visited. These include an old castle kitchen, the Dürnitz, the palace, the hall of arms, the knights’ hall, the castle dungeon, the stable and the torture chamber. The most famous inhabitant of Meersburg Castle was the German poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, who lived at Meersburg Castle during her stays at Lake Constance from 1841 to 1848. Her living quarters and the room in which she died in 1848 can also be visited.


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