Witches’ Dance Site (Hexentanzplatz)

Witches’ Dance Site (Hexentanzplatz)


On the trail of the witches in the Harz Mountains

An exciting destination for young and old in the Harz mountains is the Hexentanzplatz in Thale. With the cable car of the Seilbahnen Thale Erlebniswelt, you can already enjoy the wonderful view of the mystical-looking Bode valley on the way there. There is much to discover at the Hexentanzplatz itself, such as the Hexentanzplatz Animal Park with over 70 species of animals or the Harzbob Thale all-weather toboggan run, which you can whizz down at speeds of up to 40 km/h. But events at the Hexentanzplatz are also very popular with visitors. Be it the performances of the Harz Mountain Theatre such as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” or the popular Walpurgis Night with live music, laser show and high-altitude fireworks.


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